Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Booty" Fun

It is absolutly killing me not to be able to share some of the photos from the Boudior Session I did a few weeks ago!! If you are interested in doing one of these FUN sessions please let me know and I can share some of the shots with you! Then we can plan your sexy, stylish session!!!

They make great Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas or Valentine's Day presents!!! Book one in the month of May or June and get a discount!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Family Ties

This dark haired beauty is one of my best friends and I was lucky enough to meet her sweet brother and adorable cousins!! We had a great time making memories for her Grandparents to have of their adoable grandkids!

This little princess is Rachel!! She was adoable to watch as she danced around and smiled that big smile of hers!

And this is Emma...the sweetest baby around!! She was  a hoot to watch play and smile the whole time!!

And who doesn't love some sibling love!!!

Loved me some Barmer family and can't wait to do some Senior pictures of that handsome young man above this fall!!!

Brand New Blessing

Meet Ella, her hobbies are sleeping, napping, and peeing! Of course she is only a few weeks old and as precious as can be!!

Ella also has a big sister who loves her so much!! Sayde is so sweet to her new sissy!!

I can't wait to watch these two sweet angels grow up!!!

Seniorific Session!

One warm, Sunday evening  I got to meet this beautiful Senior!! We had so much fun going from house, to barn to farm!! Would you think his beauty was a cowgirl??

This bigger beauty in the pictures is Sunshine, Jamie's horse she has been riding since she was a little girl!! The two were inseperable!!

We had such and great time and I couldn't get enougho of this gorgeous smile!!

Thank you so much Jamie for letting me capture your beauty before you head off into the big world of college! I know you will do great!!

Sweet Cheeks

Check out this little cutie!!! She was such a pleasure to shoot and how could you not love her!!!

I mean isn't she precious!! Who would have thought she would have com from this manly, bald headed dude?? JK!!! David is such an amazing dad to this sweet pea!!

We got to spend some time with her future step mom also. Don't they make a cute family!!

Can't wait to watch this little cutie grow up over the years through my camera lens!!!

My Sweet Little Lady

There are a few things I love in my life. God, my family and friends and of course photography:) About 2 1/2 years ago God blesses with the most amazing baby girl I could ever ask for!! I have loved watchin her grow into the diva she is!!

As you can see she surely isn't camera shy!!

Thank you for letting me share my pride and joy!!!